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articleDongles in a Virtual Machine or Container Environment
In the vast majority of cases Dinkey dongles will work correctly under a virtual machine environment and also with containers. In this arti...
18 Jun, 2014    Views: 18219
articleError 410
Description:The Product Code used to protect your software is not the same as the Product Code in the dongle detected. Note - you can use D...
21 Apr, 2009    Views: 13488
articleError 465
Problem: The OS has detected the dongle but there was an error communicating with the dongle. On Linux, this error can occur if the inst sc...
07 Dec, 2010    Views: 13376
articleError 458
Problem: A USB HID class device attached to the system does not respond in the correct way. If you have protected your software with the Di...
30 Jan, 2013    Views: 12192
articleMy USB dongle is not being detected
First check that the LED is lit on the dongle. If the LED is on: This indicates that the drivers have been installed correctly and the soft...
05 Jul, 2007    Views: 9690
Latest Articles
articleError 3049
OMSRuntime error creating named-pipe used for communication. The extended error will give the Linux system error why this call is failing.
14 Oct, 2024    Views: 6
articleError 848
This error occurs if you are trying to force the OMSRuntime to check with the DinkeyOMS portal. The error means that OMSRuntime is not runn...
14 Oct, 2024    Views: 4
articleError 602
Applies to: DinkeyAdd Description: DinkeyAdd could not find the API library code in the input file. When you add protection using...
04 Mar, 2024    Views: 23
articleError 1932
A server-side error occurred in DinkeyOMS while attempting to apply the update code. The extended error is the DinkeyRemote error code. Plea...
29 Feb, 2024    Views: 10
articleError 3100
This error is a mismatch between the SDSN that you are using on the developer portal and the SDSN of the OMSDeveloper service that you runn...
29 Feb, 2024    Views: 9

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